The Host Apostolate


The Host Apostolate is an Association of Lay Faithful led by married and single people who wish to lead a life of prayer, Evangelisation and Formation in the pursuit of a life of Holiness, faithful to the Gospel and teaching of the Church.


Welcome to the Host Apostolate



Our aim is frequently to spend time in the loving Presence of Jesus and learning how to love Him. This may be in His Presence in the monstrance, in the tabernacle, or at daily Mass. This is a certain way to build a relationship which leads us to adore Him, witness to His Presence, serve Him, and deepen our prayer life.



If we love Jesus, we will want to tell every one about Him andEvangelisation His Church. This GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL, we hope to spread in every possible place and on every occasion, - by the witness of our lives and in the' market place' Tabor is the name we give to this aspect of the Apostolate. (See The Rule for further information).



FormationThis aspect applies especially to married couples who wish to form a base house, but also to those who are members or not -- engaged couples, single people, priests, or indeed any one who desires to grow in Holiness and Service. This will be by means of spiritual friendship, teaching and Poustinia (spending time alone with God in Solitude). Any formation will also be responsive to needs as they present themselves. We will be available particularly to any one who feels called to a special Mission in the Church.





Serving and helping in areas of Spiritual needs and poverty
India. Kerala Daughters of Mary
Uganda Fr Martin Wambeo and Fr, Geoff.
Nigeria West Africa Fr. Chris Amanze
Pakistan Fr. Ejaz
East India. Fr. Maria Babu
Nigeria. Imo State. Fr. Johnbosco
Tanzania Fr. Aloyce Babene CP
UGANDA Fr. Geoff Odongo Akiso
Nigeria Delta State Fr. Nwabuifeukwu Anthony Chukwuemeka
Madagascar Fr Jean Claude. Rakotoarisoa
Haiti Fr. Prosnel Altidor
Occasional Support (one-off)
Sister Sussan Opara. Sisters of the Compassionate Heart of Christ
Sr. Priscilla Ngozi Uche


Items Needed (click to see the full list)


In Memory of Michael Holman and Dave Brown.


 Monthly Encouragement:

All Encouragements


THA Update 2025

Teachings on 'The Our Father'

A teaching on Holy Communion

The Real Presence (Audio download with hymns)

Pope married couple


"In the case of the family, the weakening of these bonds is particularly serious because the family is the fundamental cell of society, where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another; it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children.”
Pope Francis I, Apostolic Letter ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, 66


"Society currently needs more than ever healthy families who are capable of defending the common good", the Pope said. " If we strengthen the Sacred Institution of Marriage and the Family in keeping with the Divine Plan, love and solidarity between people will grow". (20th January 2005).

St John Paul II

Ecclesial communities


"Ecclesial communities and lay movements are a gift of the Holy Spirit to the church. Those who seek to experience their faith more fully or become part of a small faith-formation community should look into the different lay ecclesial movements as a unique way of holiness for many."

Pope Benedict XVI




Locution received 6th March 2022 translated by HH corrected by Lukasz:


Children of the Host
Young Persons Comments

 I feel part of my faith community

and as such part of the worldwide church

which gives me a sense of belonging.


My favourite part of Mass is singing hymns

and hearing everyone sing together.

Brothers R(12) and A(9) England